
Marketplace Professionals who are members in the Kingdom of God.

Kingdom Warriors is a community of marketplace professionals from real estate agents, to loan officers, to many other professions. If you are a man or woman of God in the market place, and sometimes you feel like you don’t fit in, Kingdom Warriors is the place to be. We are Kingdom Professionals that believe in using our gifts and talents in business, to share the gospel into the world. 

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This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

Joshua 1:8 (NKJV)

Founders of Kingdom Warriors

Meet Joseph and Sophia Satariano, the dynamic duo behind Kingdom Warriors marketplace ministry. With a burning passion to make a positive impact in the lives of people, they're on a mission to empower individuals and businesses alike.

Our First Ever Gathering!


Watch The Replays Here!


When you fail at something, it dosent mean that the failure is final, it simply means that you just learned a new way to come up a better answer to the problem.

Power of Joy

We must lay hold on joy, and let it well up from within us through thought, word, and action.

Giving the Best for God

If we will only give God our best, we to can receive God's best.

Spiritual DNA

Spiritual DNA is perfect because one’s true identity is as a son or daughter of God


Forgiveness is not just a one-time act, but a way of life, meant to bring us into every blessing in Christ. 

Power of Truth

Living and speaking the truth of God promotes the purposes of God.

Power of Encouragement

God would use us to give encouragement to people

God Has Plans Over Our Life

God saw us before we are born. Everday of our life was recorded in his book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.

God is Within Us Kingdom Warriors

It not only means that our own bodies will be raised from the dead at the return of Jesus, but that even in this life, inhabiting our mortal flesh, we can have the life force of God flowing through us, giving us new life in Christ, what Jesus called abundant life.

Salvation Of Christ

Instead of focusing on temporary things on earth, a believer's focus is on Christ and His return. We should not focus on greed, sin, and the things of this world. Instead, our concern ought to be on what pleases God.

The Word of God

Some people might hear the Word of God but never value them In the end they'll never grow and stay like the seed that was thrown or left in the rocky places or thorns. But for those who heard and believe Him will live a greater life like the seed in a good soil.

The  Lord has Given us Great Mercy 

A life of self-sacrificing worship spent in serving the Lord and other believers, refusing revenge and overcoming evil with good.

God's Law  

We are saved by grace, not by observing the law, because Christ died for us. This does not give us permission to sin — rather, we should serve God by being slaves of righteousness.

God's provision

God Himself will never tempt us and He has also promised to never allow us to be tempted beyond what we can bear. At the same time He may allow Satan to tempt us, but then use those temptations as a trial to teach us to rely on Him more.

God wants us to follow the Spirit, rather than the flesh.  

Those who walk by the flesh must focus only on meeting those necessarily selfish wants and needs, day after day, year and year. Those who live by the Spirit, Christians, set their minds on the things of the Spirit.

God Works in Mysterious Ways

We see how Israel turned away from the Law, and that by their transgressions, salvation came to the Gentiles. Later, the good favor of the Gentiles would stir up jealousy in the Jews and cause some to return to seeking God.

God fulfills his purpose for us 

This is key in understanding God's purpose for our life. God has numbered our days and will fulfill every purpose He has for us. However, our choices and actions also really matter.

The Resurrection of Jesus 

In the death of Jesus Christ on the cross, God put our punishment on Christ so that we could be justified before Him. The resurrection of Jesus confirms that God accepted Christ's sacrifice for sin on the cross and gives us access to a right relationship with Him.

Jesus Teaches us to Obey His Commandments

The Savior clearly taught that during the administration of the sacrament we should remember His teachings, His acts of love, times when we have felt especially close to Him, or the sins and pains He took upon Himself in our behalf.

The Revelation of God

Those with true faith accept God's word, focusing on assurance about what we do not see, looking beyond the situation as it can be perceived by natural vision. By exercising this kind of faith the ancients gained the warm commendation of God.

God sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to save us

If we break down this sacred text down verse by verse we are able to identify the ideas of Christ as our saviour and God's mercy and grace.

Our Words and Heaven's Wisdom

The one with perfect faith in God would have perfect control over his or her words. Worldly wisdom—envy and selfish ambition—with its me-first mentality is a source of disorder and evil in the world.

God wants us to trust Him more

This is so important to God that He calls on us to find joy, even in hard times, because hardship helps us trust God more. Those who really trust God will ask Him for wisdom, will be excited about their status in eternity, will recognize Him as the source of all good in their lives, and will work to act on what they find in His Word.

True Faith in God is revealed

Jesus warned that all hypocrisy will be exposed. True faith in God is revealed in how we live when no one is looking. Those who live to please God honor Him whether anyone else sees or not. Even during hard times, guarding genuine faith is more important than guarding our physical lives.

Justin Smith

Guest Speaker

The Spirit of Sonship teaches us to cry out, “Abba, Father.” 

We are told that the spirit we've received is not one of fear, insecurity, doubt, or discouragement, but one of adoption. We are not called to live out of this fear.

We are God's Handiwork

We are God's masterpieces, created in Christ Jesus for a divine purpose, which is to engage in good works that glorify our Creator. 

God's Love

When we experience God's love in our lives and share it with others, we do not need to fear. The future punishment that awaits those who do not believe does not concern the "abiding" believer. The two-way relationship of God's love in our lives gives us confidence and security.

The Righteous King Ruling His people from Jerusalem 

God is at work and all His good deeds, including the construction of the Second Temple, are accomplished "not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit." Ultimately, Yahweh plans to live again with His people in Jerusalem. He will save them from their enemies and cleanse them from sin.

God's Gift of Grace

Every experience in life is a test. And every trial in the lives of God's people is tailored to draw us closer to God. Here's the point: When tough times come, instead of looking at them as if God is punishing you, try to see them as God's gift of grace.

The Lord commanded the Jews to return to Him by paying their tithes and offerings. He assured the righteous that their efforts to serve Him would be rewarded and that when He returned to earth, they would be His.

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Heroes of the Faith

The main point of this lesson is that these figures endured suffering and hardship, yet held to their faith in God, which allowed them to achieve victory.

Submit to God

This means to “put yourself under God's authority.” The intent is: “stop resisting God and resist the devil!” “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you”. We can't resist the devil if we are not living in close fellowship and intimate communion with God.

How to See Money

In other words, the point is not that all sin is always the result of material greed. Rather, it is that a love of money can lead a person to virtually any other sin. Greed can enhance, inspire, and amplify the temptation of any other sin, and lead us to disaster.

Be Rooted In The Faith Of The Gospel

It means being strengthened in faith. Obeying the teaching of God's word. It means remaining in him and become fruitful in all we do, for the glory of God. This way of life begins with knowing Christ as Lord and savior and growing in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.

Pastor Jared Ellis

Guest Speaker

There's a Domain I was Born to Rule

Human beings are created both in the image of God and to be the image of God in the life of the world. Regarding the “in,” human beings are created in God's image not as isolated individuals or as a generalized humanity, but as social, relational beings.

Coach Fard Bell

Guest Speaker


Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing [no-thing] will injure you.” Jesus gave us these words because He was preparing us to realize that once we enter His Kingdom, we have entered into battle with the enemy of mankind's soul.

The Parable of the Sower

Just as the seed needs time to take root and bear fruit, our own mental well-being requires patience and understanding. Sometimes, we may feel like the seed that falls among thorns, representing the distractions and worries of life that can choke our inner peace and stability.

Andrea Tran's Testimony

The Truth

It stated that the people were to not have in your bag differing weights, a large and a small. This prohibited the Israelites from defrauding an unsuspecting person by using differing sets of weights, depending on whether they thought they could get away with it.

True Faith

Jesus shows us that true faith doesn't stay locked within the walls of a church building. It reaches out to people who are hurting and facing injustice — and it cares for children, who are the most vulnerable of all. 

Sabrina's Testimony

God is the Giver of Every Perfect Gift

Humility coupled with thanksgiving is the only acceptable posture for a child of the King. God is the giver of every perfect gift on the basis of His marvelous grace. He alone is deserving of our praise.

Our Faith to God

Hardships and persecutions will come, but believers should remain faithful, knowing this is all part of God's knowledge and His will. Rather than reacting in panic or doubt, followers of Christ should feel a sense of peace.

For the Lord gives Wisdom; from his mouth come Knowledge and Understanding

Knowledge comes from the experiences and skills God provides to us, and Wisdom comes from an accumulation of the understanding and knowledge we receive over time. All three traits, however, ultimately come from God

Understand God's Will For Us

Abandon the chase for pleasure, possessions, and status—to stop living like everyone else. Instead, he urges us to be transformed from the inside out. Specifically, he writes that we must be changed in how we think, to have our minds renewed so that we can begin to understand God's will for our lives.

God's Ultimate Purpose for Us

His purpose is that we might be conformed to the image of his Son. That we might be conformed to the image of Jesus. More and more every day, and ultimately those whom he's called he has also justified. Those he's justified he's also glorified

Subimitting Ourselves to God

We listen to Him, obey Him, and follow Him. When we submit ourselves to God, we acknowledge His Lordship in our lives. We must give up our own desires, hopes, and wants and choose to follow Jesus wherever He leads.

Christ's Strength in time of Suffering

Focus on our ability to rejoice in our fellowship with Christ. The result of that emphasis ought to be an attitude of ''reasonableness,'' seen by all people. With a proper focus on positive things, we can experience peace through the power of God


Bob Fraser


Bob Fraser is a two-time best-selling author and international conference speaker on both business and ministry topics.

With one foot planted firmly in both business and ministry, Fraser’s passion is launching people into their callings, helping to equip them to be successful in their practical and spiritual lives as they walk in the Lord’s presence and become agents of change in their workplaces and society.

Francis Anfuso


Francis Anfuso is a true powerhouse when it comes to igniting positive change and personal growth.

With an impressive track record as a motivational speaker, leadership coach, and transformative thinker, he's taken the world by storm, inspiring countless individuals to embrace their inner warriors and march fearlessly towards their dreams.

Tim Van Gelder


Tim Van Gelder's journey is a testament to his unwavering dedication and adaptability.
Tim had launched his own Real Estate Brokerage, expanding it to include a dedicated management team and over 100 Real Estate Agents by 2005.
Amidst the challenges and frustrations of the real estate world, Tim grappled with inner demons stemming from his past as a peace officer. A fortuitous encounter with faith in 2005 introduced him to Jesus and triggered a profound spiritual transformation, marked by a fervent passion to deepen his relationship with God, which manifested in signs, miracles, and speaking in tongues.
Kingdom Warriors 2024