
Marketplace Professionals who are members in the Kingdom of God.

Kingdom Warriors is a community of marketplace professionals from real estate agents, to loan officers, to many other professions. If you are a man or woman of God in the market place, and sometimes you feel like you don’t fit in, Kingdom Warriors is the place to be. We are Kingdom Professionals that believe in using our gifts and talents in business, to share the gospel into the world. 

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This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

Joshua 1:8 (NKJV)

Founders of Kingdom Warriors

Meet Joseph and Sophia Satariano, the dynamic duo behind Kingdom Warriors marketplace ministry. With a burning passion to make a positive impact in the lives of people, they're on a mission to empower individuals and businesses alike.

Our First Ever Gathering!

Business Breakthrough 24 Live-In Person Events Recording!

Joseph "Joey" Satariano
Mark Meyer
Justin Studebaker
Brandon Naramore
Coach Fard Bell
Nikki Nguyen

Watch The Replays Here!


Bob Fraser


Bob Fraser is a two-time best-selling author and international conference speaker on both business and ministry topics.

With one foot planted firmly in both business and ministry, Fraser’s passion is launching people into their callings, helping to equip them to be successful in their practical and spiritual lives as they walk in the Lord’s presence and become agents of change in their workplaces and society.

Francis Anfuso


Francis Anfuso is a true powerhouse when it comes to igniting positive change and personal growth.

With an impressive track record as a motivational speaker, leadership coach, and transformative thinker, he's taken the world by storm, inspiring countless individuals to embrace their inner warriors and march fearlessly towards their dreams.

Tim Van Gelder


Tim Van Gelder's journey is a testament to his unwavering dedication and adaptability.
Tim had launched his own Real Estate Brokerage, expanding it to include a dedicated management team and over 100 Real Estate Agents by 2005.
Amidst the challenges and frustrations of the real estate world, Tim grappled with inner demons stemming from his past as a peace officer. A fortuitous encounter with faith in 2005 introduced him to Jesus and triggered a profound spiritual transformation, marked by a fervent passion to deepen his relationship with God, which manifested in signs, miracles, and speaking in tongues.
Kingdom Warriors @2024